We follow Perry Township Schools for all weather related delays and closings. A post to the Baxter Y's Facebook page will be made as soon as any weather disruption is known. An e-mail to the parents in Room 1 will be sent, as well. You may also check the local television stations for Perry Township Schools (the YMCA preschool will not be listed).
If there is a closure, all classes that day will be canceled. Classes canceled because of weather will not be made-up. Typically, as long as the YMCA building has electricity and we are not in a state of emergency, the YMCA building itself will be open.
If there is a 2-hour delay, we will operate on a modified schedule as follows:
Morning Classes: 11:00-12:30pm
Safety is our top priority for both students and staff. If at any time, the outside conditions pose a serious risk for injury (such as icy conditions or lightning storms), car line drop-off will not operate. A sign will be posted outside the classrooms and we ask that you bring your child into the classroom using the entrance from the hallway at your discretion. We love to see our families every school day; however, we will always respect your personal decision when it comes to the safety of your child.